wocket ice cream shirt 1

wocket ice cream shirt 1
wocket ice cream shirt 1

wocket ice cream shirt 1 edit #3: edited a lot of outdated information out :hmm: edit #2: Sorry for all the edits!! ^^; I’m sure anyone who watches me is already aware, but just so that there is a link here: The popsicle design has a new REVISED DESIGN!!! https://www.deviantart.com/view/21923953/ ALSO!!! omg, my shirt printer said he has PUFFY INK!!! the professional kind, not the kind that your aunt uses to decorate her blouses :lmao: so I plan to get these all printed with puffy paint, to add to the cuteness factor as well as the «illusion» that these are actually «items» in your pocket 😀 :star::star::star: PLEASE FULL VIEW TO SEE COLOR COMBOS!!! :star::star::star: **click the button to see all the different colors*** Because I realize I need more than one shirt in order to appeal to those other than my friends and hardcore gravy lovers… here is my next batch of finalized designs! :dance: This is my «wocket» (tentative name) line, as they will all feature things placed in pockets :aww: (if Dr. Seuss has the copyright on that term, I’ve got some backup names, haha) and these particular designs feature two characters from a series of characters I’ve been planning for awhile: THE ICE CREAM FUN BUNCH!!! (they will go on adventures, some will melt and die, others will purchase discount auto insurance for their ’89 Honda Accord they bought recently at a «slash-it» sale… yes) this fellow here is Samuel. he works for the local Kleenex distributor, mainly dealing with wholesaling to price clubs and hospitals. in his spare time, he enjoys reading classic Russian literature and he also has an interest in riflery. (his buddy on the other design is here https://www.deviantart.com/view/21923953/ )

Categories and tags of the game : Demonstration, Interactive, Single Player