L is sick of walking
Read FAQ 1 and 3 before asking questions!: https://go-devil-dante.deviantart.com/journal/4643186/
This Flash features:
– L from Death Note manga
– Ichigo and Ishida from Bleach manga/anime
– Harry and Sirius from Harry Potter book series
– Jin from Samurai Champloo
And… err… Watari’s voice.. XD
:love:Note: https://monkeyjay.deviantart.com/ did the voices even tho he had a cold. He has sexy Bleach colouring skillz, go see!! –> http://monkeyjay.sheezyart.com/ :love:
IT IS RANDOM!!! Because I did it inbetween my assignments when I was stressed and crazy, ALSO!! I couldn’t be bothered with sound effects.. but turn it up for the dialogue! I promise there aren’t loud bits… and MATURE WARNING! For barely censored language. HAHAHA! Enjoy, 😛
And Harry sez «f*cking Sirius!» XD Cos.. if you say «serious» with an accent.. uh, o never mind,
And if you want that jin screencap, 8-> https://go-devil-dante.deviantart.com/journal/5741615/
List of tuts and other animations: https://go-devil-dante.deviantart.com/journal/3605744/
For https://murzuki.deviantart.com/ Cos she had an avatar of my fav Ishida moment (which is here https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/19556374/), XD And to everyone who helped me with my walk cycle!:love:
AND to https://gem2niki.deviantart.com/ for her bday on the 20th! (cos I’m crap and missed it.. but I will draw you a real pic!)
Categories and tags of the game : Anime, Bleach, Comedy, Death Note, Harry Potter, Ninja