Chocobo Robo Voice
Nearly 60 Final Fantasy characters, 2 minutes of Chocobo Theme love, and 1 little bouncing Boco. —- This is for all the Final Fantasy fans. It’s not ment to be laugh out loud funny, but I hope it makes you smile. Enjoy.
1) I did not make the song. Joe Redifer of OC Remix did. I asked him if I could use it. He said yes.
2) If you want to download the song, (By Joe Redifer, not me!) then click on the aduio link to the left!
3)the preloader is based directly off 8-bit theater. Call it a tribute to a great web comic 🙂
4) The dude at the end with the brown hair is Bartz (aka Butz) from FF5.
5) There is a hidden scene. Click on something that looks out of place in Final Fantasy… (the scene itself is just a joke, not true!)
6)I want to thank everyone who made this cartoon a success! (Booyaka!)
Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Final Fantasy, Music Video, Single Player