Demyx Dress-up
Pfew XD my very first flash ever ever ever o_O I wanted to try Flash out sooo… (to bad I only have the trial version >_< I heard the version you have to buy is really expensive)
and of course I had to make something that had to do with KH XD *CoughAxelORDemyxORRoxasCough*
So it became a Demyx dress-up game! Almost took me the whole day XD It's not perfect, not even close to good…but I tried! =3
I wanted to add a lot more clothes but I got less and less space (and a headache) XD I'll just have to use it for another one with some other character ^^
XD maybe Axel will be my next vict– I mean… *cough*
Axel:… Burn Baby!
Me:… Nooooo~! *runs*
I really had fun doing this and I hope you all will have fun with it as well <3
Edit: Download it and the flash will be bigger XD; lol
Edit June 25:
Everybody thanks for the:+fav:s! :glomp:
Yay 17 favs <3 (that's much for me and I'm happy with it! ^^)
Edit July 03:
o_o 22 favs! :boogie:
Yay~! ^_^ *happy*
Everyone thank you very much! <3 :hug:
Edit July 26:
32 :+fav:'s… O_O
Thank you all! ^_^ :glomp:
Never had this much favs XD lol
I'm happy you all like it! ^____^
Edit Nov. 29:
I can't believe how many favs this is getting…
Thank you all! I really do appreciate it!! *hugs all*
Demyx © Squaresoft
Demyx Dress-up Game © Me XD;
Categories and tags of the game : Dress Up, Kingdom Hearts, Single Player