Inferno blink

Inferno blink
Inferno blink

Inferno blink A little experiment using shape tweens and vectors. I will experiment a little more with these, I think MLP animation uses vectors tweens too, so I will try to learn a few tricks from it ^^ The great thing about vectors is that, since they are math formulas, they dont require much filesize (this whole animation is below 10KB, even the preview is larger XD). Also the quality is higher than when I draw with the brush tool, its high enough for a TV show, and you can resize the animation without losing quality! Yay for vectors! X3 The bad thing about vectors, is that I still feel uncomfortable using them for fbf animation, I guess I will get used to them with practice… hopefully… See ya ^^ Pokemon (c) Gamefreak Animation & Inferno (c) *inferno988

Categories and tags of the game : Loop, Pokémon, Single Player