

Outsmart! You play as Anneite, an obsessive girl who is engaged to an unmotivated guy named Robme. You’re given limited time to accomplish your goal, $50.000. Could you pull it off? Save money by enslaving your boyfriend to work, win contests, or anything! Sponsored by keygames Developed by stellar-0 OCT 25, 2011 7:57AM FInally submitting our third game to kong, we tried to make something different and simple. feedback, suggestion and critique are open as always! hope you guys enjoy the game! 🙂 stay tuned for more games.. Outsmart! Official Site http://bit.ly/OutsmartOfficial developer contacts |http://stellar-0.blogspot.com | http://kodoktua.tumblr.com | http://doodlefield.tumblr.com

Categories and tags of the game : Adventure, Single Player, Visual Novel