Command Drawer

Command Drawer
Command Drawer

Command Drawer Something I made today 😀 For help on how to use it, type «help» in the text box and press the button 🙂 Lowercase chars as well please ;] Post anything interesting you make 😀 A few examples: Square: reset all move 100 turn 90 move 100 turn 90 move 100 turn 90 move 100 Squary Spiral: reset all var segLength = 5 for 0 100 1 move segLength and segLength += 5 and turn 90 Colourful Spiral: reset all var red = 0 var width = 0 var speed = 0 var blue = 255 loop 0 2000 1 move speed and red += 0.1 and width += 0.025 and thickness width and colour red 255 blue and turn 1 and speed += 0.004 and blue -= 0.1275

Categories and tags of the game : Demonstration, Single Player