Genesis – The Creation

Genesis – The Creation
Genesis – The Creation

Genesis - The Creation * Newgrounds To boldly go where no FOOD has gone before! With more than a little Star Trek & Sci-Fi influence 🙂 I know this resembles a Simpsons episode but, this is derived strickly from my brothers experience. He had something rot in his fridge and never cleaned it for a whole year….this is me just having fun with that whole senario. Enjoy. DOES ANYONE EVEN NOTICE THE OBELISK? 🙂 * FlashArch 냉장고 안의 썩은 생선이 시간이 지나면서 변해가는 과정을, 인류 역사에 빗대어 그린 애니메이션 입니다

Categories and tags of the game : Cartoon, Comedy, Science Fiction, Single Player