Bored Bob
Bob was bored. So one day, bob decided to GROW WINGS AND FLY!!
Made in under 48 hours for Ludum Dare #24. This is the first time I create any sort of art or graphics for a game.
Has NG highscores API integrated.
Move with WASD or arrow keys
M to mute
Click and drag minions to draw paths
Your bullets convert enemies to minions
This is basically a shooter, but your primary weapon is NOT bullets. You kill enemies/defend yourself by drawing paths for your minions.
It’s a pretty experimental prototype. I didn’t have time to add in any sort of level progression, although I think it has potential as a fun new kind of bullet shoot em ups or something. Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I also tried doing something different with the music, something of a «dynamically generating music» idea although I didn’t really have time to do it.
Categories and tags of the game : Action, Dodge, Game Jam, Ludum Dare, Shoot 'Em Up, Shooter