Nightmare Creator
Edit: Added some hair, eyes and fixes some graphics.
Finally finished (almost) the nightmare creator.
You can create the ponys as humans, including:
FEMALE: Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Sapphire Shores, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, Luna (with two hair colors), Fluttershy, Applejack, Lyra, Twilight Sparkle and Cheerilee.
MALE: Star Hunter, Coco Crusoe, Rare Find, Soarin, Thunderlane, Lunas Guard, Rising Star, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, Goldengrape and Crescent Moon. (I know most of the male cutie marks are missing – I´m lazy, sry)
Yeah, it the nightmare universe – the ponys are human and like in the real world friendship and love can´t solve all problems.
For example one pony (you can guess which) has a sick mother and has to take care of her and her siblings. So she can´t chase her dreams and has to see how her friends can realize them and she´ll never be able to do it. Depressing but mostly true.
Maybe you know a story for each pony?
The next creator will be with angels and/or demons trying to drag each other to hell/heaven.
Have fun.
Categories and tags of the game : Dress Up, My Little Pony, Single Player