Runny Square
Gain points while going around the track without crashing the wall. Also, the square will keep getting fast from time to time.
This is old game I made in December 2014 ago as Ludum Dare 31 entry, added with medals and scoreboard.
How to Play:
– Press space or click to change directio
– Don’t crash the wall
– The square’s speed while keep increasing from time to time.
== Update 1.0.2 (27/7/2015) ==
– Fixed the «More Than Fingers and Toes Combined» medal (which requires 21 points)
– Based on the statistic of the highscore, points required to get 50 and 100 points medals has been scaled down.
== Update 1.0.3 (29/7/2015) ==
– Optimized some code to improve performance
== Update 1.0.4 (9/9/2015) ==
– Fixed medal name «Crasbed Before Starting» typo into «Crashed Before Starting».
– Medal reward for scoring will be rewarded after crashed. The previous was the moment when reaching certain score which cause distraction/disturb concentration.
– Added some codes to store and manage api better.
– Changed «?» button link into NG’s profile instead blog
Categories and tags of the game : Arcade, Game Jam, HaxeFlixel, Ludum Dare, Pixel, Score-Attack