Badly Drawn Dawg Series 3

Badly Drawn Dawg Series 3
Badly Drawn Dawg Series 3

Badly Drawn Dawg Series 3 Warning! This Flash is 12 minutes 30 long! 😮 BEHOLD! It’s finally finished… Series 3 of Badly Drawn Dawg! WOOF. It was originally due out before Christmas, but I decided to delay it. And i’m glad I did now, because it gave me time to add all sorts of extra new bits (the finalé song in Episode 3 for example), resulting in the entire thing lasting 12 and a half minutes and being over 12mb! WOOF. Compared to the first 2 series, these episodes are a huge leap forward. Not sure if it’s a leap for the better or not, yet… only time will tell! I spent a lot more time on them, and there’s more «story» to them… even if it’s very loose :p Plus I got a drawing tablet when I started Episode 2 meaning it kind of becomes less Badly Drawn as the movie goes on! FAIL If you haven’t seen Badly Drawn Dawg before then there’s a couple of things you should know: 1. The characters are Badly Drawn on purpose. 2. The dog’s BARKS are recorded badly on purpose, to suit the badly drawn-ness. Thanks for watching, and OH YEAH! BADLY DRAWN DAWG SHIRTS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE NEWGROUNDS STORE! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, BOYO!?!

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Single Player