Pimp My Mustang
Enjoy our very own «Pimp My Mustang» online car tuning game below and see if you have the skills to blend the best bodywork elements on this cool car. Also check out the photo gallery we have on this page – if you want to submit your own tricked out Mustang please see the instructions below the game. Here’s the Mustang, start pimping!
Once you’re done tuning the Ford Mustang, please use Print Screen and save your picture in a graphics editor (ie. Photoshop, Paint). Save the file at a minimum of 300 pixels in width. Once you have the file, please email it to us here: cartitans [at] yahoo . com
Make sure to include your name and if you wish you can also give your tricked out Mustang a name. We will post only the best pics here on this page, in the Mustang gallery below – have fun and see how others tuned their Mustangs.
Special Thanks go out to Paul Dicher who designed the awesome graphics and to the guys from All-CarGames.com who helped out with the coding. Also, thanks to all webmasters who published the tuning game on their websites and to all you great game players out there who helped spread the word about it. Thanks guys!
Disclaimer – CarTitans.com is not associated with Ford or the Mustang brand. This is just a fun online tuning game we created for this cool car – enjoy the game and if you like it just go out and buy a Mustang for yourself 🙂
Categories and tags of the game : Creative, Object Creator, Single Player