FullHotSoft Logo

FullHotSoft Logo
FullHotSoft Logo

FullHotSoft Logo Yarr! That’s my personnal take on the animated logo of «FullHotSoft», a sort of promising company-to-be involving https://sebbythefreak.deviantart.com/, https://a-l-x.deviantart.com/, https://lugubre.deviantart.com/ , https://dead-arch.deviantart.com/ and myself. We had to to this as a school assignment, and it came out pretty satisfying (in comparison with the After Effect things I had to do for that course, at least… o_o). The music is a free loop from flashkit.com, by Dafileman, so I guess I can use it safely here… if not please tell me. Enjoy! Oh and the credits for the FullHotSoft logo itself goes to https://a-l-x.deviantart.com/. (Actually, FullHot Software DOES merely exists already at http://www.fullhotsoft.com.. sorry though, there’s a problem with the music synchronization at this point). ** EDIT: aaarg, lag… once again, download it for optimal visualisation…

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Loop, Other, Single Player