Chat with AmazingPhil!
I was inspired by recent video at DanAndPhilGames’ Youtube channel –… [Dan and Phil play Chimbot!] and I was wondering if I could do something like this 😀
That’s how I learnt something about pandorabots and its integration with Flash (:
WARNING: The AI of AmazingPhilBot is quite simple, but the more you chat with him, the smarter he gets! He may say standard things in 60% of his time right now, but as long as I fix stuff and add new answers for common questions, he become more ‘Phil-like’. So go play around, it will help!:D
ALSO: I guess pbots servers are weak, so sometimes there could be troubles with the connection, and Phil thinks for too long xD I can’t do anything about it…
Thanks Owl and Szluu for helping me to test him as well.(* *)
Categories and tags of the game : Famous Person, Interactive, Single Player