9/11 Tower Jumper

9/11 Tower Jumper
9/11 Tower Jumper

9/11 Tower Jumper EDIT: Added a skip feature to the tutorial PROGRAMMING – Kevin (me) ART – MUSIC – NickPerrin Have you ever wondered what it was like for the individuals who jumped from the towers the day of the attacks? Well now you can see exactly how it went down and why they did it in this 100% accurate representation of the 9/11 attacks! Featuring the amazing art by a popular artist who doesn’t want his name featured. This is a follow up game to my original 9/11 Simulator! http://www.newgrounds.com /portal/view/547977 BTW, this game is butthurtedly hard and you will be upset, BUT DON’T GIVE UP! Have fun and happy September 11th! first amendment part two lul 20 years since this event happened and 10 years since I made this POS game.

Categories and tags of the game : 9/11, Action, Dodge, Single Player