10,000 Pageviews! (Animated)
[EDIT: GIF version so you can actually see it now]
Wow. Just… wow!
I never thought I’d get even close to this point, but here I am. Much thanks to all 183 of those crazy people who like my silly doodles enough to Watch me! I hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen, and I hope I can continue to entertain you as time goes on! Thank you for viewing, commenting and faving!
So I made this. Of course, I’m still very new to the whole animation thing; however, this marks the first time an animation by me hasn’t just been either a test or something with virtually no motion in it! Do you like? I hope so. Luna certainly seems to.
Stay tuned!
Well, would you just look at this old journal entry. August-2013-me was so naïve.
And I guess this is kinda my first proper Princess Luna picture…
Categories and tags of the game : Loop, My Little Pony, Single Player